New Moon (NEW)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Jul 21, 2016.

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  1. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    So about fairy claws is there any info?

    Nah, it was just another way to say "wow, you farmed really hard" :p
  2. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    I haven't heard anything regarding the claws, just that the scrolls will carry over into the new event.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2016
  3. Wllf

    Wllf Advanced

    Probably. I have 1.6k wood left over from back when farming was good... So I am set. :)
    Silver farming is probably a good idea... But keep in mind that you might not even use the silver essences if they remove them from the event and then you will have wasted those realm frags. :)

    We will not need them anymore.
  4. rjrichards

    rjrichards Forum Pro

    Ok visited Blackborg today to collect Fairy Wood as per usual and like a moron I read this thread after the fact. Maybe someone in the know can tell me why I was only able to collect 24 Fairy Wood on my maiden run? I don't want to waste more frags if this an error. Thanks in advance
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    24? You were lucky. That was double my first run. We'll need to wait and see if they make this a little less insane.
    DocWhisky and rjrichards like this.
  6. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    I try to look at it this way: if you need 50x wood to get the buff to kill the boss, that means you need about 2-2.5 day runs to get one boss kill. Not great, but the way wood works now is different than previous events from what I have gathered.

    This is all dependent on how capable your character is, of course.
    rjrichards likes this.
  7. rjrichards

    rjrichards Forum Pro

    Makes sense I guess but it sure is a good thing the frags have a much appreciated increased drop rate...managed quite a few 2X and even 2 drops of 5X.
    I'm definitely not OP but more like mildly capable and found it to be a bit of a snorefest running through the map. Even the Boss tree dropped only a green melt.

    With 3 days before the event is everyone going to continue farming wood or is it best to hold off in the hope it is increased?

    Took a second trip through and received 21 wood this time including a single drop of 5. This trip there was no Boss Tree so I guess it's a random occurence.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I didn't even have a boss tree... must be a random spawn mini boss, not a map boss.
    Troneck86 likes this.
  9. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    Me either. I miss having a guaranteed drop, even if it was 5x. Seeing 50x made me smile.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  10. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    So they are not going to change them into scrolls/fairy wood/something?

    Fairy claws didn't fall from sky, it should be quite fair to give something in exchange.
  11. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Just discard them ... you will have more inv space.
  12. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    I've lots of space in the inventory... but I'm quite sad about it: find a claw needed a scroll to summon karabossa, so it needed frag and/or andermant (if u buy it). It's truly unfair to not give something in exchange, like 1 portal to blackborg x1 claw or 1 scroll x2 claws..
  13. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    Does the new new moon event even have hard mode?
  14. Wllf

    Wllf Advanced

    Nope. :)
  15. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    More like "Nope.:("

    I'd love to fight a hard boss for better amounts of the blossoms or the uniques.
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Don't worry you will get your chance :p
  17. Wllf

    Wllf Advanced

    Yeah me too... But that would need quite a bit more wood.
  18. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    I guess the hard scroll is useless too...
  19. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    They might make an hard mode later on that will need that scroll.


    Is the new moon event in blakborg?
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 5, 2016
    Morinphen likes this.
  20. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    I did just one run boss (karabossa) before going lunch. I did it with red to see how much i would need and i did it in something like 10 seconds, so I have time to do with blue. Drop was 5 flowers and costume.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
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