Suggestion Remove all button at 'work on gems' interface.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by _G_R_A_M_P_S_, Jan 28, 2015.

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  1. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    A very simple improvement that makes life just a bit easier. Everytime i wanna remove all gems from an item i have to click 4 or 5 times. When it happens to be a bad day with lots of lag, every click takes 2-3 seconds, so it'd be nice to have a button to remove all gems from an item at once.
  2. DesertKoala

    DesertKoala Forum Pro

    That gem merchant UI is probably one of the weakest. The proper way to do that merchant is to combine all of the gem merchant functions into one screen so you can socket, de-socket, and combine on one bench.

    The ultimate in annoyance is the combine function which is geared toward 3 gem combos. It should be built out to allow combos of 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.

    Make it easy to move all of one equip-ables gems to another equip-able without needing to put them into an inventory bag first. This would presume the target equip-able has enough slots and is the appropriate type of gear.

    Have the gem merchant show a simple table listing all of your Toon's gems by class and break it into sub totals by Equipped, in Bags, in Locker.

    GEM VAULT (safety deposit box):
    Much like the Locker, this is a non portable container to store your gems. The cost per row would be similar to the Locker. The value would be in the "COMBINE" function listed further above which would auto populate with toon owned available gems. Your daily gem award would also land in here and stack.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2015
    BigPapa and Darwarren like this.
  3. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    Sounds very good to me. Thank you for your thoughts. Now I hope one of the mods could let us know if this idea will be, or already is forwarded.
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